Enterprise Architect (EA)

EA Element Layouts

Whilst Modelling in Sparx System EnterPrise Architect you might sit with a little problem where the Elements just do not look neat and you dont want to spend hours fixing them up one by one in a diagram. Luckily the Developers at Sparx got you covered and they provide various methods to change the layouts in your diagrams in bulk. The Tips in the below video will surely help you make things a bit neater and save you a shit load of drag and drop time. You got better things to do than dragging and dropping. You got some shit to analise!

And Related to the Above you might want to have all the elements in your diagram the same size , especially if you have a nasty case of OCD and you really want all the elements to be EXACTLY the same size. Check this out.

Author : James Botes

James Botes is a Cape Town Senior Business Analyst (CBAP) with a keen interest in Systems Thinking & Solving Business Problems. Founder and Creator of the site and you tube channel BASensei. Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-botes-73a63b67/

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