Power Query Running Totals

Creating Running totals in power query is quite tricky – currently there are no out of the box click interface or formulas that’ll enable you to easily create running totals. I made 2 Videos to illustrate how you can do a running total and a Month to Date Running total in Power Query. Basic Running Total Pattern Month To Date […]

Correlational chart in PowerBI

Correlational chart in PowerBI

Correlation charts can be used to show how strong a relationship is between variables. Correlations are calculated using the correlation coefficient formula. in our example we will be using a car attribute datasets containing the different attributes of cars. Lets look at some examples of the Types of correlations we are expecting. 1 – Positive Correlation (Strong Positive Relationship – […]

Quadrant charts in Power BI

Quadrant charts in Power BI

There is just so much data out there that it’s just almost impossible for the human mind to make sense of it.The best way to start making sense of large datasets is by visualising it and take advantage of your inate human ability to spot patterns / trends and correlations. I’m gonna kick off a series of posts on the […]