Concept Modelling 101

In this article we’ll be looking at Concept Modelling and how this awesome technique can help your project stakeholders to unearth / discover and share the concepts of a project. The problem with Starting with a Data model I’m totally a data geek and whenever I start a new project, I always jump at the opportunity to create a data […]

Functional Dependency

Before we move on to hard core Conceptual data modelling, we need to first take a moment to look at the concept of Primary Keys or Identifier Keys. We’ll use the Database theory of Functional Dependency to provide some insight into Primary Keys. What is Functional Dependency ? Simply stated it’s a relationship that exists when one attribute uniquely determines […]

Business Glossary

Words are at the core of all human concepts. They are the very things that distinguish us from animals – our ability to attach meaning to a sequence of sounds that manifest as words. As a analyst you will be expressing requirements in words to your developers. Here are some of my tips on working with Glossaries : 1 – […]

Business Rule Analysis

Business Rule Analysis

One of the most important BA Analysis Techniques that is often overlooked by Analysts is the good old fashion Business Rule Analysis. In this article and video i explore Business Rules and how important they are in understanding and defining. Using various real life examples from Covid-19 lockdown to Soccer. I didnt really cover good practise & guidance principles for […]