Enterprise Architect (EA)

EA Copying Elements

Using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect you are going to encounter the various ways of copying and pasting elements from the project browser into your models (diagrams). Now unlike simpler modelling tools that don’t allow for traceability and re usability of elements, copying and pasting isn’t just a simple action. You’ll need to understand when and how to use the different copying & pasting options when working with elements. This short article will explain the these element pasting options in EA.

Copy Element as New

In some instances you’ll want to copy an existing EA Element and create a totally new element separate from the Element you copied. a bit confusing if stated like that no doubt. Basically worded a bit more basic – you copy a element you like and create a new one based on the original. Here’s the video explained with a practical example and with a little how to twist.

Copy Element as Link

Now this is the copy element that will allow you to use a single element in muliple diagrams giving you the full traceability you need in modelling. Now this is where the true power of modelling lies creating links to an element by reusing the element in multiple diagrams / models.

Copy as an Image

Now in some instances you’d like to simply copy and paste an image of a element into a diagram. Not always quite clear on why you might want to do this but you can. Here is a video on how you can do this.

Same Element duplicated in a Diagram

To have the same element more than once in a diagram is utterly sacrilegious! any good modeler will tell you that this should always be avoided. But just in case you feel a bit sacrilegious the below video will illustrate how you can do this with relative ease. I think the guys at EA had a lot of requests to have this functionality in the system even though it breaks every principle of modelling but they provided for it. So here is how you can do it!

That wraps up another quick article on EA Elements… More to follow..

Check out my link on linkedin if you’d like to get in touch. https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-botes-73a63b67/

Author : James Botes

James Botes is a Cape Town Senior Business Analyst (CBAP) with a keen interest in Systems Thinking & Solving Business Problems. Founder and Creator of the site and you tube channel BASensei. Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-botes-73a63b67/

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