
ArchiMate Business Layer Behavioral Components

Business Layer Behavioral Components

Represents the behavior (processes, functions, events, and services) performed by the actors. Behavioral concepts are assigned to structural concepts, to show who or what displays the behavior.

The Below Diagram illustrates the Behavioral Business Elements.

Business Service

Definition : A business service represents an explicitly defined exposed business behavior.

Origin : A business service exposes the functionality of business roles or collaborations to their environment. This functionality is accessed through one or more business interfaces. A business service may serve a business process, business function, or business interaction. A business process, business function, or business interaction may realize a business service. A business interface may be assigned to a business service.

Characteristics : A business service is associated with a value. A business service should provide a unit of behavior that is meaningful from the point of view of the environment. It has a purpose, which states this utility.Business services can be external, customer-facing services (e.g., a travel insurance service) or internal support services (e.g., a resource management service). Very Closely Resembles a CAPABILITY.

Naming Standards : The name of a business service should preferably be a verb ending with “ing”; e.g., transaction processing. Also, a name explicitly containing the word “service” may be used.

Business Service MetaModel

Business Service Applied Examples

Business Event

Definition: A business event is a business behavior element that denotes an organizational state change.

Origin : It may originate from and be resolved inside or outside the organization. Outside For example from a Customer. But can also be created inside an Organisation Triggered by a internal process. These Events can trigger other Processes within the organisation.

Characteristic : Does not have a Duration

Naming Standards : verb in the Present Tense (Claim Received)

Business Event MetaModel

Business Event Applied Examples

Business Process

Definition: A business process represents a sequence of business behaviors that achieves a specific outcome such as a defined set of products or business services.
Describes how a goal or objective is achieved.

Origin : behavior performed by a business role that is required to produce a set of products and services

Characteristic : Informally speaking, processes describe some kind of “flow” of activities, whereas functions group activities (See reference to Business Functions) according to required skills, knowledge, resources, etc. business process can be expanded using a business process design language; e.g., BPMN [12].

Naming Standards : Verb & Noun

Business Process MetaModel

Business Process Examples

Business Function

Definition: A business function is a collection of business behavior based on a chosen set of criteria. (Capability as it groups multiple processes)

Origin :There is a potential many-to-many relation between business processes and business functions. Complex processes in general involve activities that offer various functions. In this sense a business process forms a string of business functions. In general, a business function delivers added value from a business point of view. Organizational units or applications may coincide with business functions due to their specific grouping of business activities.

Characteristic : Groups Activities according to required Skills, knowledge , resources etc. in contrast to process that describe the kind of flow of activities.

Naming Standards : clearly indicate a well-defined behavior. Examples are customer management, claims administration, member services, recycling, or payment processing.

Business Function Meta Model

Business Function Applied Examples

Business Interaction

Definition: A business interaction is a unit of collective business behavior performed by (a collaboration of) two or more business roles.

Characteristic : business interaction is similar to a business process/function, but while a process/function may be performed by a single role, an interaction is performed by a collaboration of multiple roles. The roles in the collaboration share the responsibility for performing the interaction.

Naming Standards : The name of a business interaction should preferably be a verb in the simple present tense.

Business Interaction Meta Model

Business Interaction Applied Examples

Behavioral Example

The Below Diagram illustrates an Example of all the Behavioral components.

Interpretation of Example Diagram

The organisation provides the Service to Clients to [Service = Claim Processing] where a customer might incur a loss and needs to file with the Insurer for a Claim (Event = Claim Filed). The Event Triggers the Capability [Claims Administration] to realize the Value / Service [Claim processing] to the client.

The Claim administration Capability includes a number of processes (Accept Claim, Assign Claim, Adjudicate Claim, Notify customer , Pay Claim & Close Claim) flowing from one to another in order to realize the service [Claims Processing]. The Accept Claim Process is assigned to the Customer Sales Rep [Role] specifically. The specialist [Role] is assigned to perform the Adjudicate Std Claim Process. But both the Customer Sales Rep and Specialist collaborate (as High Risk Claims Adjudication) to perform the shared Process of Adjudicating the High Risk Claim [Business Interaction]


Author : James Botes

James Botes is a Cape Town Senior Business Analyst (CBAP) with a keen interest in Systems Thinking & Solving Business Problems. Founder and Creator of the site and you tube channel BASensei. Linkedin :